Monday, 23 February 2009

The Rocket

Here is another photo of the shops at the Rocket, Liverpool, that I have mentioned in a few previous posts. It was taken in the late 1960s.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Hawkshead again


I featured this spinning loft in an earlier post from the 1930s.

This is how it looked in August 1967, two days after I got my A Level results. I had been in the Lake District on my own on foot, youth hostelling for a week and on the Thursday evening had phoned home to get my A Level results which Mum had picked up from school. She seeemed far more anxious about them than I was and had been waiting all afternoon for my call. Indeed, she thought it strange that I should even think of going away that week. The resuts as I had anticipated were OK but not spectacular. On the Saturday we had agreed to meet up in Hawkshead and then I had a week's holiday with them and Phil at Grange-in-Borrowdale.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

A Rucksack and a Scarf

Two important things I owned in 1970 – my rucksack (which went all over the Lake District) and my college scarf of which I was suitably proud. (Actually the scarf was not as good as it had been the first year of my studentship but I made the mistake of not buying one that year and then it changed to include blue which had connotations of Everton FC – the biggest rivals of my own team Liverpool FC.)

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

GB's cars

Here is another of GB's cars from the late 1960s. Although it looks like a Singer Vogue I have a feeling there was actually something different about it. No doubt GB will comment and confirm or deny.

Monday, 2 February 2009

How much did your wife cost?

Dad always reckoned Mum cost him 18 shillings. This is why:-

I reckon most wives cost a fair bit more than that. (We won’t go down the road of mentioning what happens when you marry twice....)