When we were little GB had mainly Dinky cars and I had mainly Matchbox Series. Appropriate really – Dinky being bigger and older than Matchbox...
I used to play ‘The Archers’ with them. Each character in The Archers had a car that I thought suited their personality.
I can recall the following:-

John Tregoran had a triumph sports car (the TR4?)

Jack Woolley had a bluey silver Rolls Royce Silver Cloud.

Someone else who was basically an offcomer (can’t recall his name) had a Citreon but I’m sure mine wasn’t yellow. I'm sure it was white or cream.

Carol whatever her name was – the girl that all the menfolk were chasing – had an older Triumph MGTD sports car. I think this indicated that I thought she was better matched with John Tregoran than with Jack Woolley who didn't really 'belong'.

Sometimes I’d let her have a big pink Ford Zodiac convertible but I wasn’t really very fond of that.
Tom Forrest, the gamekeeper, had a Landrover.

Dan Archer had a Morris Minor – unless I needed Walter Gabriel, in which case he had it.

Nelson Gabriel had a flashy Vauxhall Cresta.

Phil Archer had a Wolseley and Jack had a Ford Anglia.

My other cars were scattered around the village (made of Airfix houses which I had bought as kits and put together). The only building I can recall properly is the pub of which I was quite proud because it had been hard to do.
(Photos of most of the cars are by kind permission of
Marco. )
(A timeline for The Archers can be found at